Racial Abilities: Sword bonus, Bow bonus, Infravision 90', Resistance, Reason bonus, Stealth, Secret doors
Fighter Class Abilities:
Increased movement, Weapon specialization, Followers 9th
Wizard Class Abilities:
All schools save necromancy (Aerellon finds it distasteful), Bonus spells for invocation, Disadvantage Talisman (holy symbol of Corellon Larethean)
Weapon Proficiemcies: Long sword (high master), medium shield proficiency, weapon & shield style, longbow (expertise), missle style, horseman's flail, broad group swords
Nonweapon proficiencies:
concentration 12, read/write 13, arcanology 12, sage knowledge: elven history 10, magecraft 12, priestcraft 12, mod. languages (elven, common) 14, etiquette 13, heraldry 12, blindfighting n/a
Signature spells & high level abilities: lance of disruption, improved blink
Special equipment: 'Moonfire' longsword +2 starshine 1/day & presper's moonbow 1/day, bracers ac 8, medium shield +2, amulet of animate object 1/day
Aerellon Til'lisair is one of the two remaining sons of the elven noble house Til'lisaire. When the elven settlement he dwelled in as a boy was raided by
ogres, all of Aerellon's family save his older brother ( a rather accomplished mage) was slain. His brother however lost an arm. Charged at the tender age of 85 with going out into the world and rebuilding the fortune and prestige of his family he eventually became a successful adventurer and a founding member of the adventurers company the Knights of the
Silver Crescent. He is generally a friendly individual and treats everyone he meets with the impeccable manner of an elven noble. He often meets with his brother, who is now retired working as a sage, finding it difficult to cast spells with one arm, and can also often be found working with the clergy of
Commonly memorized spells: cantripx2 1st magic misslex2, chromatic orbx2, detectmagic, mount, detect phase
2nd Dectect invisibility, knockx2, summon swarm, 3rd lance of disruptionx3, fly, wraithform, dispel magicx2
4th wall of fire, imp. invisibility, charm monster
5th tenser's destructive resonance, imp. blinkx2, advanced illusion,
teleport, prying eyes