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``'Tis not enough to help the feeble up,
But to support him after. ''
- William Shakespeare 1564-1616
Cuvanill (Shield Maiden, The Vigilant Matron)
Lawful Good Intermediate Power
Portfolio: Defense, Protectors, Guardianship, Motherhood
Symbol: Kite shield with a blue circle at the center
Wor. Alignment: LG, NG, CG, LN, N
Cuvanill is, according to legend, Mother to Chiantu, goddess and protector of children. Cuvanill in turn is the protector of all things sacred to the heart, those things we hold as dearly as our own children. The rapture of a child's separation is said to be visible in the eyes of Cuvanill, for she has never and will never abandon her only child Chiantu to the woes of the world. Cuvanill is seen as the stubborn immovable Goddess of Mothers, and that she is and much more. She is the Mistress of the Defenders, and any who lay down their lives to defend their homes and family are said to be welcomed into her paradise on the other side. Just as her daughter Chiantu is seen as eternally youthful, so to is Cuvanill seen as middle aged matriarch with a face of beauty despite (and perhaps because of) its wrinkled visage. The temples of Cuvanill and Chiantu are often shared affairs, and so the two are often depicted together.
Priests of Cuvanill "Holy Guardians"
Requirements: Con 14 Wis 13
Prime Req.: Wisdom
Alignment: LG, NG
Weapons: As Cleric
Armor: Any
Major Spheres: All, Astral, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Protection, Sun, Healing, Wards
Minor Spheres: Creation, Elemental, War
Magical Items: As Cleric
Required Proficiencies: Observation
Bonus Proficiencies: Medium Shield Proficiency
Holy Guardians receive a medium kite shield at first level that acts as their holy symbol. When using this shield in combat they
receive an additional -1 to AC. |
Holy Guardians are consumed with a righteous fury in the defense of children or innocents, when in this state they
receive a +1 to hit, damage, and saves, and all their spells inflict a -2 save vs. enemies and have maximum effect. They only
receive this benefit when defending their charges from direct harm, and from a very dangerous opponent, the righteous fury is not bestowed lightly |
+2 to surprise rolls |
They may turn undead |
3rd level: wyvern watch or blessed watchfulness 1/day |
5th level: protection from normal missiles 1/day |
7th level: 3/2 attacks a round and minor globe of
invulnrability 1/day |
10th level: unceasing vigilance of the holy sentinel 1/day |
13th level: 2 attacks around |
14th level: surprised only on a natural 1 |
Dalstrom (the Just, the Loyal Fury)
Lawful Good Intermediate Power
Portfolio: Duty, Loyalty, Chivalry, Justice
Symbol: Gauntleted fist with sword upraised, or swan leaping into flight with a sun at his breast
Wor. Alignment: LG, NG
Dalstrom is the patron of paladins and those who would face evil for the greater good. He is the light which points the way for righteous crusades. He is stern righteous and unyielding, but foremost in his heart is goodness, and he can be gentle to the innocent. His dogma is the basis for the code of chivalry, and he demands
obedience from his followers. Loyalty to him is not blind, however, for a guardsman working for an evil master is subject to a higher
authority. He is said to often stand at the side of Cuvanill in the defense of mortals from the more direct machinations of the evil gods. The two deities are said to enjoy a complex sort courtly love, and their followers often work together.
Priests of Dalstrom "Champions"
Requirements: Wis 15 Con 12 Cha 12
Prime Req.: Wisdom and Charisma
Alignment: Lawful Good
Weapons: As Cleric
Armor: Any
Major Spheres: All, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Law, Protection, Summoning, Sun
Minor Spheres: Charm, Necromantic, Travelers
Magical Items: As Cleric
Required Proficiencies: Etiquette
Bonus Proficiencies: Heraldry, Land Based Riding
All Champions of Dalstrom must tithe 25% of their income to the church or another worthy organization or cause (player characters are not worthy organizations). And they must abide by all of the paladin's restrictions. |
They may turn undead as if they were two levels higher. |
They gain warrior adjustments to Constitution
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Detect evil as paladin, at will . |
can command 1/day |
3rd level: hold portal or mount 1/day |
5th level: Dictate 1/day |
7th level: Detect lie 1 per individual /day |
10th level: Dispel evil or flame strike 1/day |
15th level: Speak a power word stun or blind 1/day |
20th level: Speak a holy word 1/day |
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