``Good order is the foundation of all
good things. ''
- Edmund Burke
Lecknor ( Lord of the Dead, Tomb Warden)
Lawful Neutral Intermediate power
Portfolio: Death, The Dead, Order in Death, Guardian of Tombs
Symbol: Skeletal figure with arms crossed over chest
Wor. Alignment: Any
Lecknor is the ever stoic, ever ordered lord of the dead. He sees souls to their final resting places, and provides an eternal sleep for those who pay homage to no god. He teachres that death is natural and not to be feared and his followers attempt to provide all with a proper burial. He holds a special hatred for the undead, however, for these creatures represent a serious flaw in the order that he enforces and as such are destroyed on sight by his followers.
Priests of Lecknor "GrimWardens"
Requirements: Con 12 Wis 14
Prime Req.: Wisdom, Constitution
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Weapons: All Bludgeoning and non-sword piercing weaopons, as well as sickles and scythes
Armor: Chain or less, no shield
Major Spheres: All, Astral, Charm, Combat, Healing, Law, Necromancy, Summoning, Time, Wards
Minor Spheres: Creation, Divination, Elemental, Guardian, Travelers
Magical Items: As cleric
Required Proficiencies: Undead Lore, Ceremony
Bonus Proficiencies: Sage knowledge outer planes
(some of the granted abilities below are spells from the Faiths & Avatars accessory, if you do not have access to this book email me at
aerellon@yahoo.com and I will be happy to give you a description)
GrimWardens effect double the usual number of
undead when turning. |
GrimWardens gain a +2 to saveing throws to resist special undead attacks that allow a save, and a save vs. death magic with a -4 penalty to resist undead attacks that do not allow saves (such as energy draining) |
3rd level: chilling scythe 1/day |
5th level: Grimwardens are no longer limited to one turning attempt againstb a groupof undead so long as no attempt fails |
7th level: They may speak with dead 3/day |
9th level: They may summon a bloodstone's spectral steed 1/day |
14th level: They may summon a minor death 1/week to fight for them. The minor death remains for 10 rounds, or until the end of the battle, which ever is shorter. If the minor death fails to kill an opponent it may not be summoned for another month. |
16th level: any ressurection spell cast by a GrimWarden automatically succeeds, and the priest is only aged 1 year as opposed to 3. (note: it is very hard to convince a GrimWarden to ressurect someone, they must be convinced that the person had VERY important unfinished business or that the death was against the natural order) |