``Lay then the axe to the root, and teach
governments humanity. It is their sanguinary punishments which corrupt mankind.
- Thomas Paine 1737-1809
Milan: City of Dalsundria
Who rules: Lord Miro Visber
Who Really Rules: Lord Visber is a cunning and ruthless man, his rule is unquestioned. (he even secretly runs the thieve's guild)
Population: 15,000 swelling to 18,000 during the trade season.
Major Products: Weapons and armor are constructed in the many smithies that date back to the War of Braids, but due to trade almost anything can be found here.
Armed Forces: 500 city guardsmen keep the foreigners and non-guild
thieves in check.
Notable Mages:
Kinexar (N, Hm, M3) lives just outside the city, runs a small scribe shop. Due to the intricacy of his illuminated pages his work is in high demand.
Morgant (NE, Hm, Alchemist 11) accomplished apothecary, much of the poison dripping from the Guild's daggers originates in his laboratory.
High House of Commerce: Temple of Seloku, Huge temple with doors cast from solid gold. Maintained by Clido Goldenrobes (NE, Hm, Pr 19)
Shrines to Nobanion, Coreenan, Dalstrom, Gintuse, Terix, Poen, Rosalynn, and Gintuse. As well as secret shrines to Berenash, Tharpeon, and Noanna.
Adventurer's Quarters:
The Fallen Tree: (poor/expensive) sailor's dive and whorehouse.
Dancing Pheasant: (poor/moderate) at least the water in the ale isn't seawater.
Blackwood: (moderate/moderate) it's common for merchants to come here looking for mercenaries.
Rusted Dagger: (mod/cheap) The 'keep brews his own liquor, not the best but at least it ain't watered.
Five Fine Furs: (fine/expensive) lavish pleasure house and front for the thieve's guild. One place in the city you can be guaranteed to walk out of alive and with your belongings intact. (though ya might turn up with a dagger in yer back a few streets down)
Maude's Home Cookin': (Fine/cheap) Run by an old widow. Best place in town if your looking for simple good food. But Maude serves no alcohol and can swing a mean skillet if folks get rowdy.
Guilds and Organizations:
Black Gloves: Headed by the alter-ego of Miro Visber. They engage mostly in smuggling slaves and the things outlawed by the King's Decree, as well as the occasional assassination
or protection racket.
The Free Merchant's Guild: The free merchants maintain a small presence her but it is rapidly being forced out of existence by the concerted actions of all Lord Visber can bring to bear.