``Out of the crooked timber of humanity no straight thing can ever be made. '' - Immenuel Kant 1724-1804 _________________________________________________________________ The humans native to Dalsundria settled the land just over two centuries ago. They quickly replaced the native humanoids as the dominant race. The humans of Dalsundria are a hardy folk tending towards olive skin and honey blond to black hair, they also tend to be quite stocky. Many of the Chirooknar barbarians were left behind after the War of Braids and as such some player characters might be of this stock, they have a distinct Nordic look tending to be tall and rather fair. Two other races of humans often found on Dalsundria are the Saluun peoples of Southern Calishair, and the horsemen of Myrr. The people of Calishair trade heavily with those of Dalsundria, and many have relocated. They tend to have dark olive skin and dark hair, looking much like the Indian peoples of Earth. The Myrrans tend to be tall and long of limb, with skin tone ranging from light coffee to almost black, and almost uniformly black hair, with some browns and reds. Some of the intrepid horsemen occasionally make their way to Dalsundria, were their skills with the horse and bow have earned them much respect. I will eventually address the human cultures more when time allows.
Humans main advantage is still the ability to advance to unlimited level in any class, however there are also a few changes, the main change being the addition of a human racial package. The standard "mutt" human does not have a package, and thus can spend his ten bonus points as he wills.
Chirooknar gain the same increased movement as fighters, if the Chirooknar is a fighter, he may not purchase this ability again. Saluun, because of their reputation as shrewd merchants with an eye for deals, generally receive a 10% discount if they take the time to haggle. The typical Myrran is trained from birth to recognize the quality of, and ride a horse. They may evaluate and appraise horses, and receive the riding land based proficiency for free, if the purchase riding land based they gain a +2 to their checks. _________________________________________________________________ |