``If there is anything that we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves. '' - Carl Gustav Jung 1875-1961 _________________________________________________________________ Half elves are the union between elves and humans, the most common of which being half Alfar. The Alfar are often attracted to humans of great beauty or skill, and some time "dalliances" may occur. Rarely will such a union result in child however. Half Alfar tend to look like beautiful humans with slightly pointed ears, though their hair and eye color may mirror that of their elven parent. Dockalfen on the other hand very rarely breed with humans. The offspring of this sort of union is usually reviled, and at the very least will face a hard childhood. Half Dockalfen are somewhat odd looking, having slightly disproportionate features (for humans), and many being albinos . They are almost always pale, and their hair, if not white at birth, quickly grays as they age. Ability score adjustments and racial packages: Due to the unpredictability of genetics, there is no standard package for half elves, all are tailor fitted. They may, however, purchase any ability from either their human or elf parentage for 5pts extra points. (example: a half elf character would like to have the elven version of resistance instead of the 1/2 elf version, so he spends 15pts and gains a 90% resistance to sleep and charm based magic instead of 30%). Half elves also have another optional ability: Racial appearance: for 5pts the half elf resembles one of his parents race completely, and is not obviously of mixed descent. Level limits for half elves are the same as those in the Skills & Powers book. Half Alfar receive a +1 to cha, and a -1 to str Half Dockalfen receive a +1 to dex, and a -1 to cha _________________________________________________________________ |