``It is part of human nature to hate the man you have hurt. '' - Tacitus _________________________________________________________________ Dalsundria is home to quite a few half orcs, this is one of the effects of war. The war of braids had two orcish factions involved in the war, both of which partook of the "spoils of war". Half Orcs tend to be stocky and have a pronounced olive cast to their skin, to the point of actually being green in some cases. Hair is usually black, though it may mirror the human parent, but tends to be thin and/or greasy. Eyes may run any color of the human spectrum as well as yellows, reds, and oranges. Ears tend to be wolf-like, though some are merely pointed, and almost all half orcs have pronounced lower canines, even those who seem almost human like. The more orcish ones have full grown tusks.
I have never agreed with the level limits of half orcs (being half human) and so, when making my campaign, decided to change them. Orcs are also a bit different as well. I would liken them more to warlike American Indians. Here are the level limits of half orcs in Dalsundria:
Ability score adjustments and racial packages: Half orcs receive a +1 to strength and constitution and a -2 to charisma. As with half elves, half orcs are all tailor fitted, they may purchase a new 10pt ability called racial appearance which means that the is mostly human in appearance, though he still receives a -2 to charisma. _________________________________________________________________ |