``Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference. ''
- Robert Frost 1874-1963
I have included a few links that have no bearing on anything other than I enjoy
the pages they lead to. If you have a bit of time (and have finished
perusing my page of course) perhaps it might be worth your while to try a few.
Fantasy Role-playing Concordance a great site. Effie's
Concordance is an index of role playing terms and rules, listing where an
item (be it a spell, rule, armor, weapon, etc.) can be found. |
realm a really good forgotten realms page. |
Everlasting a very good fiction and poetry page, as well as
links to a web ring of fiction pages |
the World of Carthasana this is the site that planted many of
the seeds for my own campaign. An entire campaign setting, the web books
contained at this site contain more information than most TSR published
campaign settings. |
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons an very good site with an
interesting design. |
Hammer somebody after my own heart, if you play Spelljammer
check this out for some great info on Spelljammer and Skills & Powers. |
World of Greyhawk my campaign of choice when I play,
and an excellent site. |
Weird World not all AD&D, but an excellent site,
also contains an excellent character sheet. |
Homepage another very good forgotten realms page. |
Spex Design The home of the budding web page design business run by my fiancé
(with a bit of help from me I might add) so if your in the market for an
affordable site let us know. |
Castle of Medieval and Fantasy Clipart If you're looking for some art
with an authentic medieval feel, this is your place. |