



"Bright is the moon high in starlight
Chill in the air cold as steel tonight
We shift
Call of the wind
Fear in your eyes
It's later than you realized"



Monsters often fill the roles of the central villain in many adventures,  and as such should be given the attention due any NPC.   Where is it written than every monster of one breed has to be exactly the same?   The High Level Campaigns book gives many helpful hints about making monsters more memorable,  but the basically boil down to this:  detail.  You can make monsters much more lethal simply by assigning them ability scores,  but go further.   Give them unique personalities and outline their goals.  Besides,  no DM wants to give up that monster's hoard without a decent fight.

Drexel the Scurr:  An insidious little imp.  Not nearly as harmless as he may seem.
Gharal the Ghast:  A powerful ghoul.  Vengeful and full of hate for the living, he has forgotten everything about his former life except for his evil nature.


Last updated October 01, 1999
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