The Reaver




``Cruelty has a human heart, And jealousy a human face; Terror the human form divine, And Secrecy the human dress. ''

- William Blake 1757-1827


The Reaver

Ability Requirements:  Strength 15,   Constitution 15,  Intelligence 15 

Prime Requisites:  Strength and Intelligence

Races Allowed:  Human

Required Alignment  Any

The Reaver is a horrific warrior who has pledged himself to some evil god or infernal force in return for power.  They are perhaps analogous to the anti-paladin of some worlds,  but anyone who seeks to do battle with one of these hell-knights would be greatly surprised if they only expected the reverse of a paladin's abilities.  Reaver's may have exceptional strength and constitution,  however they only roll d8's for hit dice.  They have a warrior's thaco and may specialize in weapons as if they were multi-classed fighters.  They may cast spells as bards beginning at 2nd level,  but only from the schools of necromancy,  invocation,  and conjuration.  Furthermore,  these spells are treated as priest spells in that the Reaver has them granted,  and requires no spellbook.  Reavers who pay homage to a specific god may receive granted powers similar to those granted to the god's priests,  other more independent Reavers often receive infernal familiars in the form of imps to help "keep them in line".   Whatever the case Reavers are dangerous foes,  and not suited for player characters.  


Last updated September 24, 1999
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