



"One day you will see
And dare to come down to me
Yeah, come on, come on now take the chance
Ha ha
Come dance"



A good villain (I use "good" lightly) can make all the difference in an adventure.  They spur  the characters into action and challenge them to live up to their morals.  They bend and break the codes that the players hold dear for no reason other than they have the ability.  They laugh at those who would stop them, and dare them to try.  In short, they are what make adventurers heroes.

Servei Whitegoat:  A fierce warrior-woman driven mad by an infernal sword.

Darkon the Reaver:  A man who epitomizes ambition, he has mastered sorcery and swordcraft and will soon bring both to bear in a bid for the thrown.

Targar Bonesnapper:  A dangerous half orc brigand, he has slain many young would-be heroes who think him a simple bandit.


Last updated September 26, 1999
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