``"Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat" '' - John Lehman _________________________________________________________________ Knights of Heron: Named after the long ago first king of Dalsundria, the Knights of Heron were originally created as a check on the squabbling nobility. Their are four orders, created for each of Herons most trusted generals and advisors
Free Merchants Guild: A union of independant merchants created to help independant merchants compete with the large trading costers, such as those of house Visber. They offer discounts in shipping, and special wholesale prices to members. Lionstar Trading Coster: A large trading coster affiliated with the royal family. Managed by Galkin Lionstar (Hm, F4, N) Stormclaw Mercenaries: The mercenarie company founded and controlled by Alcides Du Cargnian. A large band of crack veteran troops that also includes a small number of war wizards (invokers) known as the Stormclaws. Knights of the Silver Crescent: A guild/company of adventurers dedicated to overthrowing oppresion and slaying evil wherever it is found. They are very interested in the current state of affairs, and Valsil is aware that he may soon clash with this small but potent band of "troublemakers". Formed and led by Teringar the Mighty (Hm, F17, LG), Lady Theirus Channel (Hf, Transmuter12, NG), Corwyn the HighBlade (Hm, P12(Sunastion), CG), and Aerellon Til'lisare (Em, F12/M11, NG) _________________________________________________________________ |