Lawful Evil




``The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. ''

- William Shakespeare 1564-1616


Gagoth (The Tenth Lord of the Nine, The Hidden, He Who Watches) 
Lawful Evil Greater Power 
Portfolio: betrayel, cruelty, political corruption, ill-council, self serving advisors, power brokers, political puppet masters 
Symbol: A skeletal marionette 
Wor. Alignment: LN, LE, NE 

The chief rival of Berenash, Gagoth watched, amused, the blunderings of Berenash during the Strife War. Gagoth embodies the inevitable decay and corruption that accompany all self-serving, greedy, and power hungry leaders and groups. Gagoth's malevolence and cruelty is made worse by the veneer of compassion and civility he wears when first encountered. Indeed he can be erudite, charming, and genteel but his true nature always reveals itself eventually. In truth, the Lord Who Watches is utterly depraved, the incarnation of evil most foul.

Priest of Gargoth "Malefactors" 
Requirements: Int 16 Wis 9 
Prime Req.: Intelligence, Wisdom 
Alignment: LE 
Weapons: Any 
Armor: Any 
Major Spheres: All, Astral, Charm, Combat, Law, Necromantic, Protection, Thought, Travelers 
Minor Spheres: Creation, Divination, Healing, Numbers, Sun, Time 
Magical Items: As cleric 
Required Proficiencies: Etiquette, Read/Write 
Bonus Proficiencies: Dagger 

(some of the granted abilities below are spells from the Faiths & Avatars accessory, if you do not have access to this book email me at and I will be happy to give you a description) 

Malefactors may cast charm person or friends 1/day 
3rd level: enthrall or forget 1/day
5th level: charm monster 1/day 
Upon reaching 7th level Malefactors gain a natural armor class of 5 due to imperceptable physical changes brought on by their long term devotion to Gargoth. They also gain a physical anomaly with denomic conotations such as catlike eyes, or clawlike twisted hands 
7th level: Mind fog 1/day 
10th level: mental domination 3/day
10th level: exaction 1/month 
13th level: spiritual corruption 1/week 
15th level: plane shift 1/day 


Last updated September 20, 1999
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