

Lawful Good
Neutral Good
Chaotic Good
Lawful neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Evil


``It is convenient that there be gods, and, as it is convenient, let us believe that there are. ''

- Ovid 


Dalsundria is home to many gods,  both benign and malign.  As I've said before most of the gods I shall list below where taken from  Dusk:  the World of Carthasana.   If you would like to see the pantheon in it's original form then I suggest taking a look there.  Some of the other deities are gods that dwell in other campaign settings that have followings on Dalsundria.   I am only going to list the human deities,  for my demihumans I use those listed in the Demihuman Deities book for the forgotten realms,  pretty much as written.  Below I shall list the entire pantheon in a table format.  To the left you will find links to an expanded description of each deity complete with priesthoods and dogmas similar to the format in Faiths and Avatars (this may take a while,  if you have a idea for a priesthood email me with the specifics at 

Name Alignment Sex Rating Portfolio
Assuran LG M Greater the sun,  retribution, ruler ship, kings, life


F Demi purity, cleansing
Chiantu LG F Lesser virginity, innocence, children, youth
Cuvanill LG F Intermediate defense, protectors, guardians, motherhood
Dalstrom LG M Intermediate duty, loyalty, chivalry, justice, honor
Rosalynn LG F Lesser suffering, self-sacrifice, martyrdom, giving
Cuane NG F Lesser love, feminine beauty, romance, flowers
Derin NG M Demi mercy, peace, pools, waterfalls, streams
Karthos & Larthan NG M *Greater Karthos: spring, planting;  Larthan: fall, harvest;  Together: summer, growth, healing
Matacha NG F Lesser the merciful end, the dead, loss, regret
Poen NG M Lesser love, song, passion, masculine beauty
Tethas NG M Intermediate rain, storms, south wind
Wotan NG M Greater war, wisdom, poetry, justice
Balaxa CG M Intermediate invention, craft, construction, patron of smiths
Dalodill CG M Lesser wrestling, competition, athletes, boxing, strength
Nobanion CG M Lesser happiness, good luck, fortune, randomness
Pacaone CG M Demi festivals, wine, brewing, guardian of taverns
Sunastion CG M Intermediate swordsmanship, valor, courage, heroics
Garean CG M lesser tracking, preservation of the wilderness, rangers
Caggor CG M Intermediate sailors, favorable winds, navigation, naval combat
Damnisu LN M Intermediate mists, fog, dawn, the east wind, renewal
Gintuse LN M Intermediate authority, government, law, bureaucracy, nobility
Lecknor LN M Intermediate death, the dead, order in death, guardian of tombs
Coreenan N M Greater magic, mages, secrets, pursuit of knowledge
Nethuan N M Demi dreams, rest, sleep, possibility
Oralea N F Greater fate, prophecy, entropy, astrology
Seloku N M Lesser commerce, wealth, trade, money, jewelers
Tiania N F Greater change, nature, cycles
Basia CN M Intermediate west wind, drought, heat, thirst
Narisane CN F Demi lust, hedonism, sexuality
Terix CN M Lesser mystic, jokes, frolic, drama, rhyme
Zereos CN M Intermediate illusion, deception
Cronus LE M Demi sinister ambition
Taviana LE F Lesser pain, hurt, agony, suffering, torment, torture
Gagoth LE M Greater betrayal, cruelty, political corruption, ill-council, self serving advisors, power brokers, political puppet masters
Gruumsh LE M Greater war, territory
Bagtruu LE M Intermediate strength, combat
Berenash NE M Intermediate tyranny, strife, excess, revenge
Kepho NE M Lesser disease, decay, death, necromancy
Noanna NE F Intermediate lies, intrigue, theft, patron of thieves
Sekoon NE N Greater evil, hate, death
Senda NE F Lesser darkness, night, shadows, dusk
Sere NE F Intermediate cold, snows, winter, north wind
Tharpeon NE M Lesser poison, murder, assassination
Apenca CE F Lesser accident, misfortune, bad luck, insanity
Char CE N Greater destruction
Sana CE F Intermediate war, bloodlust
Salotia CE F Intermediate oceans, currents, waves, sea storms
Eshebalu CE M Lesser vanity, charm, cunning, greed


Last updated September 19, 1999
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