The Handbooks




``'What is the use of a book', thought Alice, 'without pictures or conversations?' ''

- Lewis Carroll 1832-98: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 

Many people enjoy playing the kits and races presented in the complete handbook series, and there is no reason why they cannot continue to under the skills and powers rules. Here are a few tips and guidelines for use with those books. 

The way my group handles the complete handbook kits is simply this, selecting a kit spends all of your class discretionary points, you gain only the abilities of the standard second edition class and those provided by the kit. Any additional abilities taken must be balanced by taking disadvantages. 

Another method is for the DM to assign a point cost for the kit, for example the cavalier fighter kit might have a point cost of 10 pts. any other abilities must be purchased with the remaining points or disadvantages. The point cost must be determined with the classes point total in mind 

In regards to the races listed in the complete handbook series my ruling is this: a player may select a complete handbook race (such as wood elf) gaining all the abilities and limitations thereof. This includes alternate ability score modifiers. However, this expends all race derived points, the player is considered a pure strain member of that race. For instance: one player decides to be a wood elf out of the Complete book of elves, he spends all of his racial points in the process. He is considered pure strain wood elf and gains the +1 to strength and all other abilities noted. Another player decides to select the skills and powers wood elf package and save the extra points to his class. Though he is considered a wood elf, his ancestry was not pure and he gains only those abilities listed in the skills and powers. 


Last updated September 21, 1999
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