



``So faithful in love, and so dauntless in war, There never was knight like the young Lochinvar. ''

- Sir Walter Scott 1771-1832

The supporting cast is the most useful tool for a DM, but alas, after running a game for a good while players may begin to notice a few strange personality quirks shared by many different individuals all across the continent.  Is this the work of some foul magic?  No, more likely it is a DM on his wits end for new NPC's be they hero, villain, or otherwise.  

In this section I shall detail some memorable NPC's from past games.  Everyone knows a hero never dies and a good villain always comes back, so if some of these motley individuals find a home in your game so much the better.  

I hate "cardboard" monsters.  To that end the monsters section lists a few of my more memorable creature creations for you to torment your players with (fully Player's Option fleshed out might I add).  So enjoy and read on, some interesting individuals would like to make your acquaintance.


Last updated September 20, 1999
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